Plans are Progressing - Let’s Connect
After reviewing more than a 15 venues and visiting seven, we selected the Elks Lodge 794 in Santa Ana. It was built 5 years ago and offers us a Grand Ballroom, spacious patio, excellent food, service and plenty of private parking. Thanks to our classmate Ricky Jones’ and his membership, we will enjoy a significant discount on the venue, and discounted drinks at the cash bar.
Most important at this stage is the gathering of contact information from you. Several committee members and other classmates have been scouring Facebook, Classmates, LinkedIn and other social networks with the goal of reaching as many classmates as we can for the big 50. Our class was almost 800 in 1975, so the task is great.
Help us by registering on this site, or reaching out to your contacts in our class so they can contact us. Thank you.